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Thursday, January 05, 2006


Lessons learned during the Katrina relief effort...

Some lessons learned:

The Gulf Coast relief effort is America's largest on-going, free-floating cluster-fuck.

Piss-poor logistical planning is the mother of all fuck-ups. Piss-poor leadership is the father.

Far worse than the Blue Screen of Death is the Blue Splashback of the plastic latrine.

Cross-posted on LGF & lgc.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


New Year's Eve in the Plaquemines

fireworks from dock, Port Sulphur
Fireworks from the dock.

The Army Guard unit and some of the camp management staff decided to light off several-hundred-dollars-worth of pyrotechnics. Bored soldiers with explosives? Not a great idea.
Various libations were consumed, great music boomed from pick-up truck radios tuned to Cajun Rock 95.7, nobody was grabbed by a gator while peeing at the water's edge, and a good time was had by most. Aside from some minor burns, there were no injuries (a good thing, as by 2330 I declared myself too toasted to render proper medical care, and pronounced the Clinic closed).
At one point a table full of pyrotechnics overturned as they were lit, causing some spectacular lateral shots. The Sheriff's houseboat survived unscathed, good news for all concerned.

For those who follow such things, today concludes Week 6 of Charlie chillin' in his body bag on the street.
Happy New Year from Port Sulphur, LA. Prosperity to America, and death to all those who would harm Americans.

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