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Thursday, October 12, 2006


My 30 seconds with Mike: notes on blogging

This morning Mike Gallagher discussed a story about a blogger successfully sued for defamation, with a $1M+ judgement. Mike has frequently described bloggers as geeks blogging from basements, wearing nothing but boxer shorts (I, personally, would never go anywhere near Sen. Boxer's shorts. Unless I could work a Kerry deal for the big bucks.), bathrobes, and pocket protectors; insufficiently educated and trained to participate in anything resembling journalism. When he called for input from bloggers, I immediately seized the opportunity to try to correct some of Mike's ideas. As has been my experience with Mike and other media types, I wasn't able to get too many words in. I find that when one doesn't give the desired response, one doesn't get much air time.

My talking points, a couple of which I got out before the cutoff (his show, his control of the mic):
Mike is supposed to attend a meet-and-greet at a local tavern tonight. While I find him woefully ignorant in some areas in which I can claim expertise or experience, I do for the most part enjoy his show. I'm looking forward to meeting him.

BTW- a sift of wire services and FindLaw.com have so far failed to find the case Mike cited. Help, anyone? UPDATE: here's the link-$11.3M

UPDATE 2330:
Met Mr. Gallagher; pic to follow. He asked for a link to this post. Looking at it several hours later, I do regret the "woefully ignorant" remark. We all have our areas of expertise, and there are certainly a couple of gaping holes in my education. I also may have been a bit off about the "desired response"- Mike seemed to think it was a great call. Sorry, Mike.

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