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Friday, November 11, 2005


Rewriting WWI, Dhimmi Style

I've also posted this at littlegreenfootballs.com:

From an AOL article on WWI VETS:
"World War I, fueled by intense nationalism and conflicting economic and colonial interests, began in the Balkans in 1914 and quickly spread across Europe because of military alliances. The major allied powers were Great Britain, France and Russia, and they were opposed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and a few others."

It's insane. Even historically, they can't bring themselves to mention the Muslim Ottoman Empire as an enemy of France and England. WTF? I mean seriously, rewriting history for today's youth? The Muslim's never harmed the West? WWI was a European Conflict only?
As a historian, I'm deeply offended by this crap.

But here's a paragraph from further on, explaining how it was the west that screwed up the peaceful Middle East:
"Unlike the wars that followed, World War I doesn't have the visual record so important to becoming part of American consciousness, Flynn says. Yet its impact can be linked to many problems facing the world today, including conflict in the Balkans and the rise of Arab nationalism that occurred after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire."

Again, the historical rewrite pisses me off.

Even my rudimentary grasp of history assures me that there is a long history of enmity between Europe and the Islamic world.
Actually the end of the war and the subsequent 'peace negotiations' in Paris in 1919 added significant fuel to islamic nationalism. This is no re-write of history
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